Yo bitch! Dis is Netmaster 10baseT pingin' yo
sorry ass, and I want y'all to know that
I'm on the muthafuckin case.
[boom chicka wap wap
widget widget widget]
I be jackin'.
I be crimpin'.
I be tracin'.
I be pingin'
I be routin' yo packets like a Cisco;
I'm gonna grease yo cables with Crisco.
[widget widget widget
wi wi wi widget widget]
Give me a serial cable and a Qume,
and I'll be flyin'.
I'll clear the muthafuckin room.
You don't fuck with me: my crimper's got fangs.
I'll take all your dots, and turn 'em inta bangs.
So I'm movin' yo data like a GIGAswitch HPPI;
You do a traceroute, and you think it's kinda
When it don't hop no place; it comes straight
to me;
I got electro-magnets in my TCP.
[boom boom wap chicka
widget widget widget]
Some cracker cuts yo fiber with a hatchet?
I'll rap his fuckin' head in with a ratchet,
cuz I'm the Netmaster. 10baseT is in the house;
I'm clackin' on yo keyboard, I'm clickin on yo
And you better watch out , cuz I'm sniffin yo
Got a mile o' CAT-5 with the insulator jacket.
[chicka wap chicka
widget chicka boom boom pppfffffttt]
I'm seeing all ones from the back o' the jack;
I'm tellin' the telco they all smokin' crack.
I can loop ya fuckin' link in a minute.
Give me a console port...and I'm up in it.
Cuz I'm a bad-ass admin on the net...
...straight outta Netcom: crazy muthafucka with
a terminator.
I'm gonna trace yo ass.
So, you best not be slackin'.
you know that I'll be hackin'.
Got the GIGAswitch HPPI muthafuckin' connectivity.
[widget wap chicka
boom wappity boom boom]
While all the other admins' on a picnic...
I'm on the case; I'm bustin' on Mitnick.
Your friends on trex all usin' PGP?
I'll fuckin' read it in hex; that ain't shit to
Cuz I'm what the muthafuckas call connected.
Your packet comes to me
it gets rejected.
I can see you through the fiber, got yo mouse
in yo hand with
the muthafuckin' spam that's consumin' my bandwidth.
[waka waka widget
wap widget chicka widget]
You got yo routes all flappin'.
And yo packets all droppin,
You say you got problems on the net?
You ain't seen nothin' yet.
It's gonna run...LIKE BUTTA.
[widget chicka sssiizzzafffiittzzz]
Peace. I'm outta here.